Things are moving right along now. We have had a couple others join the crew, and contribute to the great dynamic. Jimmy Chin arrived on 4/8/10, and Eneko Pou arrived on 4/9/10. Both are amazingly talented and accomplished individuals. We have climbed many days and rested few. On one of the “rest” days, I bolted a new route. It is the first sport route that I have established. It was a great experience, and one that I look forward to repeating. One of our goals in coming here was to positively contribute to the area. We have brought much climbing hardware to establish and/or permanently equip routes. The local climbers and route developers have been very grateful for our efforts thus far. Yesterday, we permanently equipped 2 routes. On another rest day, we visited the ancient city of Termessos. It was the first rainy day that we have experienced so far, and that was a pleasant change just by itself…slow, dark, dreary. It helped us to rest. After running around the ruins in the rain, we had a nice dinner in downtown Antalya.
Bolting my route
Daniel, Boone, and Jimmy at dinner in Antalya
Eneko…sponsored by Red Bull
Me, Emily, Eneko, and Renan
Renan warming up with some hot chocolate after a day in the rain
We have climbed some rocks…of course. Emily has rapidly progressed from crutches, to limping, to climbing with my climbing shoe on one foot on top rope, to now climbing in her own shoes on lead. It has been a great relief to us all. Daniel is unfortunately leaving tomorrow, but a few days after we gain more crew members. We are so fortunate to be in this place together. Each new day has been a gift getting to know these people and this place.
Tesekkür Ederim (pronounced Te-she-kuur E-der-um)…Turkish for Thank you.
Daniel climbing on the ruins at Termessos
The theatre at Termessos